
If you’re looking for some beautiful indoor plants to help brighten up your home this spring, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 different plants that are perfect for adding some life to your indoor space. Not only will these plants make your home look nicer, but they will also improve the air quality indoors. So if you’re ready to add a little bit of nature indoors, keep reading for our top 10 picks!

Not only do these plants look great, but they also serve a purpose. Indoor plants have been shown to improve air quality by filtering out harmful toxins and pollutants. They can also help to increase humidity levels, which is beneficial during the dry winter months. In addition, indoor plants can help to reduce noise levels and create a more calming environment. So if you’re looking for ways to improve your home this spring, consider adding some indoor plants!

What are the ideal indoor conditions for plants?


Indoor plants have a few requirements in order to thrive, such as adequate light, water, and humidity. If you can provide these things, you can grow just about anything indoors! The way to achieve the optimal plant growing conditions indoors is by using a grow light if you want to place a plant in a low-light area of your home.

Grow lights come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and intensities to fit your specific plant needs. They can be used to supplement natural sunlight or provide the sole source of light for your plants.

In terms of watering, it is important to water your indoor plants regularly but make sure not to overdo it. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. And lastly, humidity is important for many indoor plants so consider placing your plants on a pebble tray filled with water or using a humidifier.

Just like plants outdoors, indoor plants need to be fertilized regularly in order to thrive. Fertilizers can be added to the soil or water of your potted plants every few weeks, depending on the specific fertilizer instructions. Always read the label before using any type of fertilizer! It’s best to use organic fertilizers or compost made from kitchen scraps to avoid any harmful chemicals. This way you can be sure that your pets & young kids will be safe from any harmful toxins.

Other things you can do to maintain your indoor plants & ensure they are healthy & in top condition are:

  • Prune dead leaves and stems as needed.

  • Repot plants when they become too large for their current pot.

  • Check for pests & diseases regularly and treat accordingly.

When should I plant houseplants in spring?


The best time to plant houseplants in spring is when the weather starts to warm up and all danger of frost has passed. This can vary depending on your location, so be sure to check the weather forecast or contact a local nursery for advice.

For Canadian weather, spring arrives around mid-May when the average daily temperature is above 15 degrees Celsius. So if you’re feeling impatient and want to get your hands on some plants, late May is a safe bet! This will ensure that your plants have enough time to get settled in before the hot summer months. For American weather, spring arrives around mid-March when the average daily temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

No matter what your location, it’s always a good idea to consult a local nursery for advice on the best time to plant houseplants in spring. They will be able to help you choose plants that are suited for your specific climate and growing conditions. So don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Now that we’ve covered the basics & you know a little bit more about indoor plants, it’s time to start browsing our selection! We have a variety of plants that are perfect for spring, including succulents, air plants, and flowering plants. So whether you’re looking for something to brighten up your desk at work or want to add some life to a dark corner of your home, we’ve got the perfect plant list for you!

African VioletsWhite-Wolf-Interiors-Feng-Shui-Toronto-Interior-Decorator-Home-Commercial-Office-Design-african-violets-indoor-gardening-spring

Family – Gesneriaceae

Native to – Tropical Africa.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Year-round

Light requirements – Low to medium

Water requirements – Medium

Humidity requirements – Low to medium

Height – Up to 12 inches

Width – Up to 12 inches

Description: African violets are a type of flowering plant that is popular for its beautiful purple flowers. They are easy-to-care-for houseplants that do well in low to medium light conditions and can be propagated easily from leaf cuttings. These plants make a great addition to any home and come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors.

Aloe Vera


Family – Liliaceae

Native to – North Africa, Arabian Peninsula, and Madagascar.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Occasionally

Light requirements – Low to medium

Water requirements – Low

Humidity requirements – Low to medium

Height – Up to 24 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that is well-known for its medicinal properties. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low light conditions and doesn’t require a lot of water. Aloe Vera plants are also known for their ability to increase the humidity levels in a room, making them ideal for people with dry skin or allergies. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and blue leaves.



Family – Araceae

Native to – Tropical America.

Pet friendly – No

Flowering – Year-round

Light requirement -s Low to medium

Water requirement – Medium

Humidity requirements – High

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Anthuriums are a type of flowering plant that is popular for its brightly-colored flowers. They are easy-to-care-for houseplants that do well in low to medium light conditions and require weekly watering. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and red leaves. Anthuriums make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a splash of color in their living space. Anthuriums also make popular air plants.



Family – Araceae

Native to – Tropical America.

Pet friendly – No

Flowering – Year-round

Light requirement – Low to medium

Water requirement – Low to medium

Humidity requirements – High

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Monstera is a type of flowering plant that is popular for its large heart shaped split leaves. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low to medium light conditions and requires weekly watering. Monstera plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and red leaves. Monstera plants make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a big statement piece in their living space.

Peace Lily


Images credits – Canva.

Family – Araceae

Native to – Tropical America.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Year-round

Light requirement – Low to medium

Water requirement – Medium

Humidity requirement – Medium to high

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: The Peace Lily is a type of plant that is popular for its large, white flowers. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in medium light conditions and requires weekly watering. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and white leaves. Peace Lilies make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a low-maintenance indoor garden. There are many different types of peace lilies.

This plant is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its easy-to-care-for nature. It has large, broad leaves and produces white flowers year-round. It prefers medium light but can tolerate low light conditions if needed. Peace Lily also makes a popular air plant.


White-Wolf-Interiors-Feng-Shui-Toronto-Interior-Decorator-Home-Commercial-Office-Design- succulents-indoor-gardening-spring

Family – Crassulaceae

Native to – Worldwide

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirements – Low to medium

Water requirements – Low

Humidity requirements – Low

Height – Up to 12 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Succulents are a type of plant that is popular for its water-retaining abilities. They are easy-to-care-for houseplants that do well in low light conditions and require little water. Succulents come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and red leaves. These plants make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a low-maintenance indoor garden. There are many different types of succulents, but they all share some common characteristics such as their fleshy leaves and water-retaining abilities.

Succulents are a popular choice for indoor plants due to their low maintenance requirements. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours, and some succulents can even be used as air plants.

Fiddle Leaf Fig


Family – Moraceae

Native to – Tropical Africa.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirements – Low to high

Water requirements – Low

Humidity requirements – Medium

Height – Up to 60 inches

Width – Up to 24 inches

Description: Fiddle Leaf Fig is a type of tree that is popular for its large, fiddle-shaped leaves. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low light conditions and doesn’t require a lot of water. Fiddle Leaf Figs are also known for their ability to increase the humidity levels in a room, making them ideal for people with dry skin or allergies. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and purple leaves. Fiddle Leaf figs make a great addition to any home.

Spider Plant


Family – Asparagaceae

Native to – Tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirements – Low to high

Water requirements – Medium

Humidity requirements – High

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Spider Plant is a type of plant that is popular for its long, spindly leaves. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in medium light conditions and requires weekly watering. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and white leaves. Spider Plants make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a low-maintenance indoor garden. There are many different types of spider plants, but they all share some common characteristics such as their long, spindly leaves .

This plant is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its easy-to-care-for nature. It has long, thin leaves that hang down from the stem, and it produces small white flowers occasionally. It prefers bright light but can tolerate low light conditions if needed. Spider Plant also makes a popular air plant.

Jade Plant


Family – Crassulaceae

Native to – South Africa

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirement ss – Low to high

Water requirement – Low

Humidity requirement – Medium

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: The Jade Plant is a type of succulent that is popular for its small, jade coloured leaves. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low light conditions and doesn’t require a lot of water. Jade Plants are also known for their ability to increase the humidity levels in a room, making them ideal for people with dry skin or allergies. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and pink leaves. Jade Plants make a great addition to any home.

This plant is a popular choice for indoors due to its small size and easy-to-care-for nature. It has thick, green leaves and produces small white flowers occasionally. It prefers bright light but can tolerate low light conditions if needed.

English Ivy


Family – Hederaceae

Native to – Europe, Asia, and North America.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirements – Low to high

Water requirement – Low

Humidity requirement – Medium to high

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: English Ivy is a type of plant that is popular for its ability to reduce airborne mold and improve indoor air quality. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low light conditions and doesn’t require a lot of water. English Ivy is also known for its ability to increase the humidity levels in a room, making them ideal for people with dry skin or allergies. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and variegated leaves. English Ivy make a great addition to any home.

This plant is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its low maintenance requirements and ability to remove toxins from the air. It has long, ivy-like leaves and produces small white flowers occasionally. It prefers bright light but can tolerate low light conditions if needed. English Ivy also makes a popular air plant.


The list of what you can grow indoors is endless, so don’t be afraid to get creative. If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for plant that is good for your health, try adding one of our recommend plants from the list above to your home. With a little bit of TLC, any plant can thrive in your home! Just be sure to speak with your local plant expert, nursery & veterinarian to verify that the plants listed above are safe for your pet. Some plants may be harmful if ingested by pets. Also ensure that you & your family members are not allergic to any of the plants you decide to bring home. While watering the plants please be careful not to spray around electric sockets. For homes with hardwood floors or carpets, consider using a water catching tray to avoid spills, to avoid damaging the floor & carpets.

Now that you know a little bit about some of the most popular indoor plants, it’s time to choose one for your home. Be sure to speak with a plant expert at your local nursery or garden center to learn more about the different types of plants that are available and find the perfect one for you. And don’t forget, pets can enjoy the benefits of indoor plants too! There are a number of pet-safe plants available that can improve air quality and make your home more comfortable. So bring home an indoor plant today and enjoy all of the benefits they have to offer!

Happy spring planting!

If you’re looking for some beautiful indoor plants to help brighten up your home this spring, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 different plants that are perfect for adding some life to your indoor space. Not only will these plants make your home look nicer, but they will also improve the air quality indoors. So if you’re ready to add a little bit of nature indoors, keep reading for our top 10 picks!

Not only do these plants look great, but they also serve a purpose. Indoor plants have been shown to improve air quality by filtering out harmful toxins and pollutants. They can also help to increase humidity levels, which is beneficial during the dry winter months. In addition, indoor plants can help to reduce noise levels and create a more calming environment. So if you’re looking for ways to improve your home this spring, consider adding some indoor plants!

What are the ideal indoor conditions for plants?


Indoor plants have a few requirements in order to thrive, such as adequate light, water, and humidity. If you can provide these things, you can grow just about anything indoors! The way to achieve the optimal plant growing conditions indoors is by using a grow light if you want to place a plant in a low-light area of your home.

Grow lights come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and intensities to fit your specific plant needs. They can be used to supplement natural sunlight or provide the sole source of light for your plants.

In terms of watering, it is important to water your indoor plants regularly but make sure not to overdo it. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. And lastly, humidity is important for many indoor plants so consider placing your plants on a pebble tray filled with water or using a humidifier.

Just like plants outdoors, indoor plants need to be fertilized regularly in order to thrive. Fertilizers can be added to the soil or water of your potted plants every few weeks, depending on the specific fertilizer instructions. Always read the label before using any type of fertilizer! It’s best to use organic fertilizers or compost made from kitchen scraps to avoid any harmful chemicals. This way you can be sure that your pets & young kids will be safe from any harmful toxins.

Other things you can do to maintain your indoor plants & ensure they are healthy & in top condition are:

  • Prune dead leaves and stems as needed.

  • Repot plants when they become too large for their current pot.

  • Check for pests & diseases regularly and treat accordingly.

When should I plant houseplants in spring?


The best time to plant houseplants in spring is when the weather starts to warm up and all danger of frost has passed. This can vary depending on your location, so be sure to check the weather forecast or contact a local nursery for advice.

For Canadian weather, spring arrives around mid-May when the average daily temperature is above 15 degrees Celsius. So if you’re feeling impatient and want to get your hands on some plants, late May is a safe bet! This will ensure that your plants have enough time to get settled in before the hot summer months. For American weather, spring arrives around mid-March when the average daily temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

No matter what your location, it’s always a good idea to consult a local nursery for advice on the best time to plant houseplants in spring. They will be able to help you choose plants that are suited for your specific climate and growing conditions. So don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Now that we’ve covered the basics & you know a little bit more about indoor plants, it’s time to start browsing our selection! We have a variety of plants that are perfect for spring, including succulents, air plants, and flowering plants. So whether you’re looking for something to brighten up your desk at work or want to add some life to a dark corner of your home, we’ve got the perfect plant list for you!

African VioletsWhite-Wolf-Interiors-Feng-Shui-Toronto-Interior-Decorator-Home-Commercial-Office-Design-african-violets-indoor-gardening-spring

Family – Gesneriaceae

Native to – Tropical Africa.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Year-round

Light requirements – Low to medium

Water requirements – Medium

Humidity requirements – Low to medium

Height – Up to 12 inches

Width – Up to 12 inches

Description: African violets are a type of flowering plant that is popular for its beautiful purple flowers. They are easy-to-care-for houseplants that do well in low to medium light conditions and can be propagated easily from leaf cuttings. These plants make a great addition to any home and come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors.

Aloe Vera


Family – Liliaceae

Native to – North Africa, Arabian Peninsula, and Madagascar.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Occasionally

Light requirements – Low to medium

Water requirements – Low

Humidity requirements – Low to medium

Height – Up to 24 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that is well-known for its medicinal properties. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low light conditions and doesn’t require a lot of water. Aloe Vera plants are also known for their ability to increase the humidity levels in a room, making them ideal for people with dry skin or allergies. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and blue leaves.



Family – Araceae

Native to – Tropical America.

Pet friendly – No

Flowering – Year-round

Light requirement -s Low to medium

Water requirement – Medium

Humidity requirements – High

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Anthuriums are a type of flowering plant that is popular for its brightly-colored flowers. They are easy-to-care-for houseplants that do well in low to medium light conditions and require weekly watering. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and red leaves. Anthuriums make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a splash of color in their living space. Anthuriums also make popular air plants.



Family – Araceae

Native to – Tropical America.

Pet friendly – No

Flowering – Year-round

Light requirement – Low to medium

Water requirement – Low to medium

Humidity requirements – High

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Monstera is a type of flowering plant that is popular for its large heart shaped split leaves. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low to medium light conditions and requires weekly watering. Monstera plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and red leaves. Monstera plants make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a big statement piece in their living space.

Peace Lily


Images credits – Canva.

Family – Araceae

Native to – Tropical America.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Year-round

Light requirement – Low to medium

Water requirement – Medium

Humidity requirement – Medium to high

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: The Peace Lily is a type of plant that is popular for its large, white flowers. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in medium light conditions and requires weekly watering. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and white leaves. Peace Lilies make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a low-maintenance indoor garden. There are many different types of peace lilies.

This plant is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its easy-to-care-for nature. It has large, broad leaves and produces white flowers year-round. It prefers medium light but can tolerate low light conditions if needed. Peace Lily also makes a popular air plant.


White-Wolf-Interiors-Feng-Shui-Toronto-Interior-Decorator-Home-Commercial-Office-Design- succulents-indoor-gardening-spring

Family – Crassulaceae

Native to – Worldwide

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirements – Low to medium

Water requirements – Low

Humidity requirements – Low

Height – Up to 12 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Succulents are a type of plant that is popular for its water-retaining abilities. They are easy-to-care-for houseplants that do well in low light conditions and require little water. Succulents come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and red leaves. These plants make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a low-maintenance indoor garden. There are many different types of succulents, but they all share some common characteristics such as their fleshy leaves and water-retaining abilities.

Succulents are a popular choice for indoor plants due to their low maintenance requirements. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours, and some succulents can even be used as air plants.

Fiddle Leaf Fig


Family – Moraceae

Native to – Tropical Africa.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirements – Low to high

Water requirements – Low

Humidity requirements – Medium

Height – Up to 60 inches

Width – Up to 24 inches

Description: Fiddle Leaf Fig is a type of tree that is popular for its large, fiddle-shaped leaves. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low light conditions and doesn’t require a lot of water. Fiddle Leaf Figs are also known for their ability to increase the humidity levels in a room, making them ideal for people with dry skin or allergies. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and purple leaves. Fiddle Leaf figs make a great addition to any home.

Spider Plant


Family – Asparagaceae

Native to – Tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirements – Low to high

Water requirements – Medium

Humidity requirements – High

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: Spider Plant is a type of plant that is popular for its long, spindly leaves. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in medium light conditions and requires weekly watering. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and white leaves. Spider Plants make a great addition to any home and are perfect for people who want a low-maintenance indoor garden. There are many different types of spider plants, but they all share some common characteristics such as their long, spindly leaves .

This plant is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its easy-to-care-for nature. It has long, thin leaves that hang down from the stem, and it produces small white flowers occasionally. It prefers bright light but can tolerate low light conditions if needed. Spider Plant also makes a popular air plant.

Jade Plant


Family – Crassulaceae

Native to – South Africa

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirement ss – Low to high

Water requirement – Low

Humidity requirement – Medium

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: The Jade Plant is a type of succulent that is popular for its small, jade coloured leaves. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low light conditions and doesn’t require a lot of water. Jade Plants are also known for their ability to increase the humidity levels in a room, making them ideal for people with dry skin or allergies. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and pink leaves. Jade Plants make a great addition to any home.

This plant is a popular choice for indoors due to its small size and easy-to-care-for nature. It has thick, green leaves and produces small white flowers occasionally. It prefers bright light but can tolerate low light conditions if needed.

English Ivy


Family – Hederaceae

Native to – Europe, Asia, and North America.

Pet friendly – Yes

Flowering – Rarely

Light requirements – Low to high

Water requirement – Low

Humidity requirement – Medium to high

Height – Up to 36 inches

Width – Up to 16 inches

Description: English Ivy is a type of plant that is popular for its ability to reduce airborne mold and improve indoor air quality. It is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that does well in low light conditions and doesn’t require a lot of water. English Ivy is also known for its ability to increase the humidity levels in a room, making them ideal for people with dry skin or allergies. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be found with both green and variegated leaves. English Ivy make a great addition to any home.

This plant is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its low maintenance requirements and ability to remove toxins from the air. It has long, ivy-like leaves and produces small white flowers occasionally. It prefers bright light but can tolerate low light conditions if needed. English Ivy also makes a popular air plant.


The list of what you can grow indoors is endless, so don’t be afraid to get creative. If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for plant that is good for your health, try adding one of our recommend plants from the list above to your home. With a little bit of TLC, any plant can thrive in your home! Just be sure to speak with your local plant expert, nursery & veterinarian to verify that the plants listed above are safe for your pet. Some plants may be harmful if ingested by pets. Also ensure that you & your family members are not allergic to any of the plants you decide to bring home. While watering the plants please be careful not to spray around electric sockets. For homes with hardwood floors or carpets, consider using a water catching tray to avoid spills, to avoid damaging the floor & carpets.

Now that you know a little bit about some of the most popular indoor plants, it’s time to choose one for your home. Be sure to speak with a plant expert at your local nursery or garden center to learn more about the different types of plants that are available and find the perfect one for you. And don’t forget, pets can enjoy the benefits of indoor plants too! There are a number of pet-safe plants available that can improve air quality and make your home more comfortable. So bring home an indoor plant today and enjoy all of the benefits they have to offer!

Happy spring planting!

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